Dominik kardinál Duka OP 
emeritní arcibiskup pražský

Cardinal Duka on Imigrants

Cardinal Duka on Imigrants
July 10, 2017
The head of the Czech Church has said his country cannot accept migrants unless they “respect its system of values”, and warned that Muslims can only be considered a “safe presence” if they make up less than five percent of the population.

“If you look at the entire Muslim world, you won’t find a single country where there’s democracy, religious freedom or gender equality”, said Cardinal Dominik Duka of Prague, the Czech Primate. “As a Christian and a Catholic, I believe all people share some common ground which allows us to accept each other. But this also means we must insist our rules are observed”.


He added that he believed Muslims raised “no problems” when they comprised no more than five percent of a given population, but would begin demanding “key positions in society” when they made up 15 percent and “take over the government and impose Shariah Law” if they increased to 25 percent.


The Czech Church has been widely criticized for opposing the admission of refugees from Syria and Iraq, despite calls for hospitality from the Pope.


“There is fear in Western societies now – when I see the queues before Prague Castle and the terrible procedures at airports, I have to imagine how horrible it will be to live here 10 years from now”, Cardinal Duka said.


By Dave Patterson